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Monday, September 24, 2007

You Know What I Hate?

OK, so I just felt like sharing some stuff here.

You know what I'm sick of? Being "That guy."

You know, the one that you're real good friends with, but you could never see yourself being with?

You tell him all of your thoughts, and he's always there for you, but you never really realize what's going on with him?

You tell him all of your ploblems, and he listens, and then you leave to go hang out with some prick who's going to treat you like crap, leave you crying, and then you're gonna come back to that guy to talk about it?

You know, the guy who's everyones best friend but nothing more? Ever?

I'm sick of being that guy.

EDIT: I'm not saying I'm going to stop being "that guy." I can't. Anyone who is that guy can't. I'm just saying I'm tired of it.

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