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Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Day. Night.

Day. This is when I question myself. This is when I try to correct, try to perfect myself for her eyes. I see her more than she sees me; I am looking, she is not. When I'm around her I'm different. I try to be myself, but doubt overcomes me. I am filled with the lies of my environment that I myself am not worthy. I try to talk to her. Too much, really. When she does not respond, it hurts. More doubt fills me. When I am with her, I am happy. I try not to show it, as not to promote and flaunt my feelings. If I hurt her, I hurt me. I only want her to be happy. I only aim to please.

Night. This is when I question her. I get angry at her, for she is the one with eyes shut tight, not I. Yet I always forgive her, and go back to blaming myself. More doubt. Night is a time for sleep, yet I do not. I can not. The doubt won't let me. The questions won't allow me the rest. I have an ever-enduring waterfall of thoughts flowing through my head. I drift into sleep and awake to another Day.

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